Audio Bible Reviews
I hope you will take the opportunity to try audio Bibles. They are excellent resources and a great way to “read” multiple translations in a
I hope you will take the opportunity to try audio Bibles. They are excellent resources and a great way to “read” multiple translations in a
Prayer is communing with God, aligning our hearts with His heart, and seeking His guidance. Reflecting on this led me to Isaiah 11. “The Spirit
Choosing one word for the year brings focus and clarity. No wish lists. No New Year’s resolutions. Just one word. The simple power of ‘One
I hope you will take the opportunity to try audio Bibles. They are excellent resources and a great way to “read” multiple translations in a
Prayer is communing with God, aligning our hearts with His heart, and seeking His guidance. Reflecting on this led me to Isaiah 11. “The Spirit